Kanawha County Schools is launching two new features to help the district and schools communicate with families and school communities.
The new KCS App is available now in your phone's app store by searching "Kanawha County Schools."
The app allows families to easily access frequently-used webpages like menus, calendars, Schoology, directories and more.
Text Messaging
In addition, the district is adding text messaging capability to SchoolMessenger, the system we use now for phone calls and emails.
The system will be configured to send text messages to cell phone numbers whose recipients have agreed to receive them.
The text opt-in launch was completed on Thursday, Nov. 4th.
You can opt-in at any time by texting "Y" to 67587.
If you receive an error message, it may be because your correct cell phone number is not in our WVEIS record database.
Guardians should call their schools and make sure that the correct cell number is included in the student WVEIS record. Guardians who try to opt in, but don’t have a number in the system will not be able to complete the sign up.
Staff should contact Diane Tate in HR at [email protected] only if they receive an error message and are unable to opt-in. Please use your KCS e-mail when contacting her. She will help you update your phone number in our system.
Additional problem solving tips are available in the FAQ document to the upper left of this page. Please click here if you still need help.
Both the app and text features are completely optional.