Middle Schools

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KCS middle school education department -- 304-348-7787

Middle Level Education

Kanawha County Schools has 12 middle schools that serve students in grades 5-8 and/or 6-8. Students benefit from a developmentally appropriate and challenging curriculum that reflects 21st Century learning skills.  The core areas of reading, math, science, and social studies are often integrated to help make connections to student learning. Students also have opportunities to explore foreign language, art, music, technology, health and fitness, careers, and other related areas.

Kanawha County Schools supports the culture of successful schools for young adolescents with the following components:

·      Educators who value working with this age group and are prepared to do so. Effective middle level educators understand the developmental uniqueness of the age group, the curriculum they teach, and effective learning and assessment strategies.  They need specific teacher preparation before entering the classroom and continuous professional development as they pursue their careers.

·   Courageous, collaborative leadership.   Middle level leaders understand adolescents, the society, and the theory and practice of middle level education.  As the prime determiner of the school culture, the principal influences student achievement and teacher effectiveness by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining an effective instructional program.

·    An inviting, supportive, and safe environment.  A successful school is an inviting, supportive, and safe place, a joyful community that promotes in-depth learning and enhances students’ physical and emotional well-being.  In such a school, human relationships are paramount.

·      High expectations for every member of the learning community.  Educators and students hold themselves and each other to high expectations.  Such confidence promotes positive attitudes and behaviors and motivates students to tackle challenging learning activities.  Successful schools recognize that young adolescents are capable of far more than adults often assume.

·   Students and teachers engaged in active learning.  The most successful learning strategies are ones that involve each student personally.  When students routinely assume the role of teacher, and teachers demonstrate that they are still learners, a genuine learning community is present.

·      An adult advocate for every student.   Academic success and personal growth increase markedly when young adolescents’ effective needs are met.  All adults in successful middle level schools are advocates, advisors, and mentors.

Parents having any questions about the middle school curriculum should contact Amon Gilliam, Assistant Superintendent for Middle Schools or Missy Ruddle, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction.

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