Gifted Services

Gifted Education and High School


In most cases, a gifted student can rely on rigorous coursework and opportunities in the honors, AP, and

college courses while in high school classrooms to provide the challenge needed to make appropriate

progress toward post high school study. Colleges and Universities usually (but not always) recognize

honors, AP and college courses for credit at their own campus.

But when the WV State Legislature removed Gifted Enrichment at the high school level (effective July 1,

1990), they were wisely aware that not every gifted student is suitably served through only those

academic methods. They created a new category of gifted for the high school level called Exceptional

Gifted. They included four areas of eligibility and stated that a student only needed to be eligible in one

area to receive services. The four areas are:

1. Meets the eligibility criteria for one or more of the disabilities as defined in Policy 2419;

(such as gifted AND hearing impaired, gifted AND a learning disability, etc.) and/or ability level,

educational performance and achievement levels; and/or comprehensive psychological evaluation, and/or

2. Meets the definition for economically disadvantaged; (eligible for free/reduced lunch), and/or

3. Meets the definition for underachievement, which takes into consideration the student’s, and/or

4. Meets the definition for psychological adjustment disorder as documented by a comprehensive

psychological evaluation.

A student must only meet one category (see above), but can also meet several, or all, categories. Once

eligibility is discussed, documented, and determined at the “Eighth Grade Exit/Eligibility” meeting, if

found to be eligible, an IEP will be developed with the student’s needs in mind. While prior to high

school (grades 1-8) gifted services focus on strengths and enrichment, high school gifted services focus

on support, transition, and graduation. Services are provided within each academic year to support

success in classes, transition toward what they need to find out or know to succeed in a post high school

course of study/training, and graduation within the appropriate time frame with credits needed.

This process is not always easy, but is worthwhile for an “at-risk” gifted high school student. If your son

or daughter meets any of the above criteria, please bring documentation to the “eighth grade exit/

eligibility” meeting usually held in the last half of their eighth grade year. You can ask for them to be

considered for eligibility and services, although the team at the eligibility meeting (including you as the

parent) will work together as a whole to determine eligibility. The IEP will not be quite the same as what

you are accustomed to, but it still will be revisited each year. Procedural Safeguards continue, as well.

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