A Parent's Right to Know
Dear Parents/Guardians:
In the Kanawha County Schools district, there are 22 Title One schools. These schools receive Federal Title One funds to assist students in meeting state achievement standards. This letter is to let you know about your right to request information about the qualifications of classroom staff working with your child and about student assessments given during the school year.
Title I schools must meet federal regulations related to teacher qualifications as defined in the ESEA (Elementary and Secondary Education Act). These regulations allow you to learn more about your child’s teachers’ training and credentials. At any time, you may ask:
- If the teacher meets state qualifications and certification requirements for the grade level and the subject he/she is teaching.
- If the teacher has received an emergency or conditional certificate through which state qualifications were waived.
- What undergraduate or graduate degrees the teacher holds, and major(s) or area(s) of concentration.
- Whether your child receives help from a paraprofessional, and if so, his/her qualifications.
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) which was signed into law in December 2015 and reauthorizes the ESEA, contains additional parent right to know request options, such as information on policies regarding student participation in assessments and procedures for opting out.
- Information on required assessments including:
- Subject matter tested
- Purpose of the test
- Source of the requirement (if applicable)
- Amount of time it takes students to complete the test
- Time and format of distributing results
Any and/or all of the information above can be requested from your child’s school principal.
The Kanawha County Schools staff are fully committed to helping your child develop the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in school and beyond. We appreciate your support and partnership as we work to provide the best education for your child.
In situations in which there is a dispute between the student (or family or guardian of the student) and the school regarding whether or not the student meets the definition of homeless. Title X, Section 722 (g) (C) of McKinney-Vento outlines an enrollment dispute resolution process. Because the question of whether or not a student is homeless is relevant to enrollment, the enrollment dispute resolution process is pertinent. If a dispute arises over an enrollment, then the child or youth shall be immediately admitted to the school in which enrollment is sought, pending resolution of the dispute. The appealing party (child, youth, parent, or guardian) shall be referred to the LEA's assigned homeless liason who will carry out the dispute resolution process as quickly as possible after receiving notice of the dispute.
Melissa Wilfong,
Director of Federal Programs, Title I and Title IV