About Kanawha County Schools
Kanawha County Schools (KCS) is the largest school system in West Virginia. The district serves more than 23,900 students, representing the region's diverse socioeconomic mix. KCS is comprised of 39 elementary schools, 12 middle schools and one alternative center, eight high schools and one alternative center, two career and technical education/adult centers, and two community education centers. The Kanawha County School System is dedicated to providing a world-class education that ensures success for every student in the 21st century. KCS serves students located across 913.38 square miles.
Mission Statement
Kanawha County Schools will provide a world-class education system that ensures all students are college and career ready for today and beyond.
We Believe
All students can achieve.
Quality teaching is the key to student success with consistent student and teacher engagement in the school and in classroom activities.
Effective leadership skills are essential for creating and maintaining effective schools for current and future learners.
Schools, parents, and communities must be partners in learning.
Schools must be safe and caring places.
All teachers must be teachers of literacy skills, including literacy in technology.
Students and teachers must be prepared for life-long learning in a global society.
2024-2025 Goals
Goal 1 - Improve the Social/Emotional Health and Well-Being of Students and Staff
Measure 1:
Students with positive social and emotional health are more likely to attend school on a regular basis. As a result, overall student attendance in Kanawha County Schools, grades K-12, will increase by an average of 1% during the 2024-2025 school year. This will be measured and monitored consistently through daily data available in ABRE (replacing Performance Matters) and end-of-year data in Zoom for students. FY 2024 Attendance Rate for all students in Kanawha County Schools: 92.95%, an increase of 0.75% (less than 1%) FY 2023 Attendance Rate for all students in Kanawha County Schools: 92.21%, an increase of 0.22% (Less than 1%) FY 2022 Attendance Rate for all students in Kanawha County Schools: 91.90% Chronically Absent Students: Decreased from 26% (FY2022) -to 24.73% (FY2023) -to 21.68% (FY24) (Source: ZOOM WV)
Goal 2: Good Teaching and Student Engagement will be evident in 100% of Kanawha County Schools classrooms, measured by samples of principal/specialist's classroom walkthrough comments and next steps (recorded in Schoology), grades that reflect the implementation of effective lesson planning, and educator evaluations.
Measure 1:
Good Teaching and Student Engagement will be evident in 100% of Kanawha County Schools classrooms, measured by samples of principal/specialist's classroom walkthrough comments and next steps (recorded in Schoology, grades that reflect the implementation of effective lesson planning, and educator evaluations.
Goal 3: All Kanawha County Teachers will analyze student performance data to plan and deliver data driven instruction to students
Measure 1:
Students will achieve identified learning targets to show growth from the first opportunity to the 2nd opportunity and following opportunities on identified formative assessments within the 2024-25 school year and from year 1 to year 2 on summative assessments. (See 2.2 above, as well.)
The full KCS 2024-2025 Strategic Plan is available here.
The Administrative Organizational Chart is available here.