Staff Q&A

We will continue to update this page. 

Will payroll be delayed as a result of the September 8, 2020 start date for students? 

For those KCS employees under contract, the change will not result in a delay in the start of the teacher or staff person’s pay schedule. 

How will employees address leave issues that involve COVID-19?

Kanawha County Schools Human Resources Benefits Office will work with employees to address absences related to COVID-19. In addition to the current sick leave policy and different leave of absences available to employees, we will work with those employees who qualify for the Families First Coronavirus Response Act: Employee Leave (FFCRA). FFCRA provides employees with paid sick leave or expanded family and medical leave for specified reasons related to COVID-19. Any employee  who has questions about leave should contact the Benefits Office [email protected] or Ron Pauley, Executive Director Human Resources [email protected]

What accommodations will be available for immunocompromised staff?

Any concerned staff member needs to reach out to the Kanawha County School Human Resources Office to discuss their specific situation so that we can work with you to the greatest extent possible. Please contact Ron Pauley, [email protected]

On the days where students receive remote instruction during the first three weeks of in-person OR for teachers selected for eLearning, will they be working from school?

Yes. Teachers will be working from school for all content delivery, unless the Governor puts forward another Stay at Home order. 

Will KCS teachers still be able to utilize Zoom or Facebook for content delivery?

KCS is currently only allowing Schoology or Microsoft Teams for content delivery and communication. 

Will KCS teachers be teaching through both the eLearning program and in person?

It is possible that some teachers may be teaching different sections with different types of instruction, but not at the same time. They may have several eLearning sections and several in-person sections. This will depend on the number of students enrolling in each option. 

Can high-risk teachers receive preference for teaching eLearning school classes?

Staffing for eLearning school classes will be based upon enrollment. Kanawha County Schools will follow all West Virginia personnel requirements when filling positions.

Where can teachers find out more information about classroom requirements, such as furniture, cleaning procedures and allowed items in the classroom? 

Teachers will be provided with more information in the coming weeks as they come back to school and re-enter classrooms. 

Will there be a limit on the number of students per classroom?

KCS will reduce class sizes as much as possible. This is dependent on the number of students who select each type of learning option at each school. 

During the first week when anyone can come to school, if a class size is too large for social distance, how will these classes be accommodated? 

By the beginning of next week, we will have a better idea of how many students will be either eLearning or virtual. Based on community feedback, we believe that the number of students present at a school will be low enough for social distancing. Individual schools are coming up with plans should a class or classes be too large for social distancing.

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