Certification Links

General Information
In conjunction with the Office of Professional Development, Certification is available to guide professional staff in seeking advanced degree course work through partnership opportunities with local colleges and universities.
Each Kanawha County educator is solely responsible for maintaining their teaching license and filing the appropriate applications for the original license, renewal and any endorsement or advanced salary classification for which he/she is eligible.
Please contact Jamea Brinkman at [email protected] to address any certification questions you may have. It is advisable to make an appointment as we know your time is valuable.
The West Virginia Department of Education will send you an email to review online your certification status, documents needed, and next steps. Log in at https://wveis.k12.wv.us/certcheck/ and select the hyperlink VIEW in the Pending Applications section for details.
For more information, please visit https://wvde.us/certification-and-professional-preparation/certification/