Elk River Schools Update


The official ribbon-cutting ceremony was held for the new Clendenin Elementary today. Photos and news articles are below. We wish them a wonderful school year! 





Photos courtesy of Scott Abbott Photo

Clendenin Staff Cutting Ribbon

KCS Board Members Cut Ribbon

Welcome Back Sign



Television media visited the new Clendenin Elementary for a sneak peak on June 24th. Take a look at some highlight from the new school, set to open on August 16, 2024. 





The Charleston GazetteMail published "New Clendenin Elementary School nears completion" on Tuesday, June 18, 2024: https://www.wvgazettemail.com/news/education/new-clendenin-elementary-school-nears-completion/article_14802246-04ad-5e75-b332-6fd306a75e06.html

(If you can't access the story, we recommend pasting the link into a different browser - Safari, Firefox, Chrome, etc). 


Progress continues at the school. 

  • Installing, drywall, doors, windows, standing seam metal roof, and composite rain screen on walls, floor tile, ceramic tile.
  • Continued rough ins for HVAC, Electrical, plumbing, etc. 

Clendenin Elementary Progress


Progress continues to be made at the new Clendenin Elementary. 

  • Installing, drywall, doors, windows, standing seam metal roof, and composite rain screen on walls
  • Working on sidewalks, drop off loops, curbs, water tower, and site utilities
  • Continued rough ins for HVAC, Electrical, plumbing, etc. 

Clendenin Elementary February

Clendenin Elementary Inside


Crews are installing drywall, doors, windows, roofing, sidewalks, drop off loops, curbs and utilities, along with rough ins for HVAC, electrical, and plumbing. 

Clendenin Elementary Progress

Clendenin Elementary Progress


Work continues to progress at the new Clendenin Elementary School. The building is 95% under roof. The predicted opening is Fall 2024.

Administrators toured the building on Tuesday, Sept. 19. Here are photos and coverage from that tour: 






Photos courtesy of ZMM Architects.

Clendenin Elementary Progress

Clendenin Elementary Outside


The new Herbert Hoover High School opened its door to students on Friday, Aug. 18, 2023. The school then hosted a ribbon-cutting ceremony featuring a performance by West Virginia's own Brad Paisley on Saturday, Aug. 19, 2023. 

Please find photos and media coverage below.

Hoover Strong - WCHS-TV Full Newscast 8-19-23 ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MpfFdGUeJ9Y
▪️ Hoover High: A Triumph Reborn - WV MetroNews ➡️ https://www.spreaker.com/user/11096951/081923-hoover-opening
▪️ Celebrating Herbert Hoover’s school and stadium opening - WSAZ ➡️ https://www.wsaz.com/2023/08/20/celebrating-herbert-hoovers-school-stadium-opening/
▪️ Brad Paisley performs at Herbert Hoover High School - WSAZ ➡️ https://www.wsaz.com/2023/08/20/brad-paisley-performs-herbert-hoover-high-school/
▪️ Herbert Hoover High School celebrates new building at football scrimmage - WOWK ➡️ https://www.wowktv.com/news/local/herbert-hoover-high-school-celebrates-new-building-at-football-scrimmage/

Mike Kelley

Brad Paisley

Ribbon Cutting

Photos courtesy of Scott Abbott Photography



Construction continues to be on schedule.


Main Lobby

New Clendenin Elementary

Construction continues to progress.

Clendenin Elementary Outside


KCS board members visited the new Clendenin Elementary on May 19th. They were happy to see the progress happening on site. You can read and see more at: https://wvmetronews.com/2023/05/19/kanawha-county-school-board-takes-a-look-at-the-progress-of-the-new-clendenin-elementary/.



Continued construction on main building is on schedule. Turf and bleachers are complete. The gym floor has been installed. 

Outside New Hoover

New Hoover gym floor

New Clendenin Elementary

The ICF walls are 80% complete. 

New Clendenin Walls


The GazetteMail provided an update on the progress at Clendenin Elementary. Read it here: 



New Clendenin Elementary

Installation of the insulated concrete form (ICF) walls are approximately 50% complete. 


New Clendenin Elementary

Work on the rough-ins for under-slab utilities continue. Installation of insulated concrete form (ICF) walls are approximately 30% complete. Here are some recent photos from the new Clendenin Elementary worksite. 

Clendenin El work site

Clendenin El work site


Rapid progress continues at the new HHHS. The anticipated opening date is late Spring 2023. Community members can continue to see progress on site by watching one of the below camera views from the full construction site. 

Camera 1

Camera 2

Camera 3


New Clendenin Elementary

The pyritic soil has been removed and the building pad is complete. Crews are now working on the exterior and utility slab. 


Rapid progress continues at the new HHHS. Community members can continue to see progress on site by watching one of the below camera views from the full construction site. 

Camera 1

Camera 2

Camera 3



New Clendenin Elementary

The KCBOE voted this week to approve a change order, not to exceed 2.3 million, for labor, materials and equipment needed to replace the pyritic material found at the school site. The soil replacement work has started and we are setting up for continued work to the building. 

Photo from new school site, 8/25/22:

New Clendenin


Rapid progress continues at the new HHHS. Community members can continue to see progress on site by watching one of the below camera views from the full construction site. 

Camera 1

Camera 2

Camera 3




Community members can continue to see progress on site by watching one of the below camera views from the full construction site. 

Camera 1

Camera 2

Camera 3

The interior of the building is seeing great progress in addition to exterior progress.

Inside School

New Clendenin Elementary 

KCS is working with vendors to locate acceptable, local fill dirt for the site. We plan to begin building work again on the site this summer. 


Williamson Shriver Architects, Inc. shared the following photos of progress on the new Herbert Hoover High School. The predicted opening is Fall 2023. 


HHHS back

HHHS fields

HHHS media center


New Herbert Hoover High School 

Masonry block is 75% complete, with electrical, mechanical and plumbing rough-ins at 30% complete in the main facility. Approximately 60% of the main building is under roof. Site utilities continue to be installed. Work is expected to commence on the buildings for the athletic facilities by March 15. 

Community members can see progress on site by watching one of the below camera views from the full construction site. 

Camera 1

Camera 2

Camera 3

New Clendenin Elementary

The construction team encountered pyritic sandstone at the Clendenin Elementary School site in late October of 2021 that caused concern and required additional investigation. In accordance with all FEMA guidelines, we bid out for a company that specializes in earth and environmental engineering specific to our soil condition. The company was approved by the KCS BOE and soil samples were taken before Christmas. The report was delivered in February 2022. It was determined that the fill dirt from the building foundation will need to be replaced and we are currently working on pricing to replace the fill. The contractor has been asked to pause work on the building until this is completed. Site work continues. We are working to minimize impact on the project schedule and budget.

What is the soil condition? 

Pyritic sulfur has been identified in the soil, which can potentially be expansive, compromising the integrity of the foundation and floor slab.

How was the issue discovered? 

Construction staff identified iron staining on fill materials at the site adjacent to concrete that was placed. Following site observations during concrete placement of significant iron staining in and around the foundation trenches, a sampling plan was proposed in order to determine the total sulfur content of the fill material placed within the interior (sub-slab) areas of the proposed building. 

When was this discovered? 

October 2021. We immediately worked to have additional geotechnical samples taken and that is when the pyritic sulfur was discovered. 

Why didn’t we know about the soil condition before construction started? 

KCS followed all testing/sampling as required by FEMA and the State. As a federal project, this project has been under more scrutiny than other school building projects. This is an unforeseen situation and this material is not typically found in this type of stone or in this part of West Virginia.


Officials were given a first look at the progress on the new Clendenin Elementary on 10-18-21. Construction is progressing and the school will be open August of 2022. 



WCHS recently visited the HHHS site. Watch the story at: https://wchstv.com/news/local/making-progress-construction-is-underway-at-new-herbert-hoover-high-school


Below please find time lapse photos from three different cameras on the new Herbert Hoover High School site. 

Camera 1

Camera 2

Camera 3


New Herbert Hoover High School timeline

Spring 2021                            

Masonry has begun on the south end of the new school. This is the two story academic wing with most of the major classrooms. 

Summer/Fall 2021                 

Masonry will continue south to north on the building, moving from the academic wing to the Media Center, Arts Wing, Cafeteria, Main Offices and Gymnasium.

Spring/Summer 2022            

By June 2022, all of the school should be under roof. At this point, the work will turn to mechanical, electrical, plumbing and finishing.

Supply chain disruptions due to COVID along with other variables such as weather could impact the timeline. We will update the timeline as we gain additional information. 

HHHS DesignHHHS April 2021 Image


The Herbert Hoover Site Package is ongoing.  Work is continuing on storm water pipe installation, excavation for field areas.  Final grading, topsoil production/placement will continue as weather allows.

The Herbert Hoover Building Package is under construction.  The temporary facilities are in place and concrete foundations are being installed. Masonry products and steel are being delivered.

New Clendenin Elementary School- The site has been cleared and the contractor has begun earth removal and deep excavation for the placement of storm water piping.   

Old Clendenin Elementary School – Demolition bids have been received and are being reviewed.  The project is anticipated for Board approval in March.


The Herbert Hoover Site Package is ongoing and is on schedule and budget.  The building pad is finished and the final survey is being completed over to the building package contractors.  The remaining site work to be completed in approximately 45-60 days. 

The Herbert Hoover Building Package is gearing up to start foundations immediately after the holidays. Steel and other materials are being ordered and fabricated.  

New Clendenin Elementary School- The contract for construction was awarded to Wolf Creek Contracting.  The site clearing and tree removal process has begun. 

Old Clendenin Elementary School- Demolition is currently out to bid with work expected to start in mid/late January. Hazardous materials abatement bid expected to go out next week.


Here are the latest photos from the new HHHS site development. 

Site DevelopmentSite DevelopmentSite Development

The Herbert Hoover Site Package is ongoing and is on schedule and budget.  The building pad is scheduled to be complete and turned over to the building packages contractors in mid-late November with the remaining site work to be completed a few months later.

Herbert Hoover High School Building Package bids were received on October 6th and are being reviewed.  It is anticipated to go to the Board for approval in November.

New Clendenin Elementary School bids were received on September 23rd  It goes before the Board for approval on October 15, 2020.



FEMA Chief Pete T. Gaynor visited the Herbert Hoover High School site with Superintendent Williams and other FEMA staff. 



Listed below are the dates for the advertisements, prebid meetings and bid opening dates for Herbert Hoover and Clendenin Elementary:

First Advertisement: Tues. August 25th
Second Advertisement: Tues. September 1st
Pre Bid Meeting: Tues. September 1st
Bid Opening: Tues. September 29th

First Advertisement: Wed. August 26th
Second Advertisement: Wed. September 2nd
Pre Bid Meeting: Wed. September 2nd
Bid Opening: Wed. September 23rd


At the 7/16/20 board meeting, the KCS Executive Director of Facilities Planning gave an update on the new elementary project. 

  • FEMA approved and obligated $26,851,044 for the project.

  • The State of WV match would be approximately 10%.

  • Construction bid documents (plans/specifications) have been submitted to the School Building Authority for review.  The typical review process is 2 weeks but this is a federally-funded project and therefore the review process may take longer due to those requirements.

  • We anticipate the project going out to bid for construction in early August with the bid time frame approximately four weeks.

  • Property acquisition is in process and KCS is anticipated to have right-of entry on all parcels in early September.

  • Bids anticipated to be received in early September with a successful apparent low bidder selected to present to the Board for approval on September 18.

  • Construction anticipated to commence in October 2020.

  • Anticipated completion in 2022.  


The elementary project has cleared all environmental processes, obtained Congressional approval and has been obligated by FEMA which means that funds have been set aside for the project. The project design, specifications and bid documents are being prepared by ZMM Architects and the project is anticipated to be released for bids at the end of July/early August. Property acquisition is in place. 

FEMA announced $26.8 million for the rebuilding of the new elementary school. 


Associated news articles:

MetroNews -- http://wvmetronews.com/2020/06/18/fema-approves-27-million-for-new-clendenin-elementary-school-funding-now-complete-following-june-2016-flood/

WCHSTV -- https://wchstv.com/news/local/more-than-268-million-approved-for-rebuilding-new-clendenin-elemetary-school


A judge ruled that Kanawha County Schools will be granted right of entry and now KCS may proceed toward completion of the environmental assessment of the new elementary school. This is the next step towards the construction of the new school. The school system was required to purchase the land and mineral rights.   

More information on the proceedings available at: https://www.wvgazettemail.com/news/education/the-kanawha-school-system-won-the-right-to-progress-toward/article_cae5cbe5-bab6-5c36-931c-61f8dbad490a.html.  


The new HHHS groundbreaking ceremony was held at the new school site on Wednesday, January 22nd, at noon. Coverage and photos from the event are available below. 







A groundbreaking ceremony for the new Herbert Hoover High School will be held at the new school site on Tuesday, January 7th, 2020 at noon. The Marching Huskies will perform and members of the senior class will attend. This event is open to the community. 

The new site is in the Given Fork area between the Elkview exit of Interstate 79 and U.S. Route 119. The entrance is across from the DOH facility.


The Kanawha County BOE approved entering into contract with the lowest responsible bidder, Doss Enterprises, LC, for site preparation of a new Herbert Hoover High School in the amount of $19,700,000.00. Doss Enterprises will mobilize and be on the property by the end of this month. We anticipate trees will start coming down in January and the building pad will be ready by the end of September or beginning of October 2020. We are still in line with the latest anticipated opening for the new Herbert Hoover High School which is Fall 2022.







The Kanawha County BOE will accept bids for the site preparation contract for the new HHHS on Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2019. 




FEMA released $52 million for the building of the new Herbert Hoover High School.






FEMA announced that the draft environmental assessment for the new HHHS has been approved. At this point it goes to the Legislative Affairs Review Committee and then it goes for Congressional notification and once it’s approved through Congress then FEMA can obligate the funds.





FEMA held a public comment meeting at Elkview Middle School last night to discuss the draft environmental assessment for the new high school. The public comment period remains open through September 26th. You can review the draft environmental assessment and learn how to comment at: https://www.fema.gov/disaster/4273. If the process goes smoothly, the district anticipates starting timbering by the end of 2019.

Media coverage of meeting:




The land for the new Herbert Hoover High School has been purchased. We are still waiting on the draft environmental assessment from FEMA.

We will make additional updates about the new elementary school as soon as they are available.


FEMA held a public comment meeting at Elkview Middle School to discuss the draft environmental assessment for the new elementary school. The public comment period remains open through July 6th. 

Media coverage of meeting:






The district is waiting on the draft environmental assessment for the new Herbert Hoover High School and the same process will be followed (30 day public comment period on the assessment and public meeting) once that has been received.


The draft environmental assessment is now available for the new elementary school. The assessment will be open for public comment for 30 days. Directions and more information available here: https://www.fema.gov/news-release/2019/06/05/notice-availability-draft-environmental-assessment-new-kanawha-elementary-0



The Kanawha County Schools Board of Education voted to move forward with the purchase of the property for the new high school:



The Kanawha County Schools Board of Education voted to move forward with the purchase of the property for the new elementary school:



New Herbert Hoover High School

Per Williamson Shriver Architects Schedule 2/28/19

Site Appraisal: Complete

Site Purchase Price Negotiations: KCS intent letter to property owners have been sent

Site Purchase: Will happen after FEMA-NEPA EA is complete

Site Design: Construction Bid Documents to be submitted to SBA for approval by end of March

Site Construction: Bids will be received 30-45 days after both SBA & FEMA NEPA EA review is complete

Building Design: 50% Design Development phase progress submission in March. Bid documents will be complete in July. 


New Clendenin-Bridge Elementary School

Per ZMM Architects & Engineers Schedule 2/25/19

Site Appraisal: Complete

Site Purchase Price Negotiations: Intent letters to property owners sent

Site Purchase: Will happen after FEMA-NEPA EA is complete

Site Design: Approved by SBA in February (Shovel Ready)

Site Construction: Bids will be received 30-45 days after FEMA NEPA EA review is complete

Building Design: Construction Bid Documents to be submitted to SBA for approval in late March


For both projects, KCS continues to wait for FEMA to complete the Environmental Assessment (EA) review. Once completed, the document is placed out for a 30-day review comment period, then sent to Congress for approval (approximately 10 days), and then the FEMA Region office for approval (10 days).

The SBA staff has prioritized all tasks associated with the FEMA projects above all others due to the schedule/time concerns.  Each of our project reviews has been shortened to 2-3 business days rather than our standard two-week turnaround time frame.  We have worked with all Federal, State, and Local officials to ensure that all tasks that we can control are completed thoroughly and in a timely manner.

As of now, the timeframe for completion of the projects is Fall 2021 for the new elementary school and Fall 2022 for the new high school. These are just projections and can be moved based on weather and how quickly the process moves. 

There is nothing that can be done by the school system until FEMA approves the environmental assessments, which is a fluid and ongoing process. At that point, the school system will be ready to move forward on land purchase and beginning to move ground. 

Dr. Duerring reiterated that the schools will be built, we just have to follow the federal process.

Students will be in the portables as long as they need to be. They are not being sold and there is absolutely no plan to send students elsewhere. 


1/17/18 -- Update for Both Elk River Schools


Appraisals have been completed for all land and FEMA has approved the amount of land that the county is requesting to purchase. Right now we are waiting for the environmental assessments to be approved by FEMA. We cannot move forward until those have been approved. The best estimate they can give us is that they'll be done reviewing in March. At that point, the district will be ready to move forward with land purchase and once the land belongs to KCS, action will happen quickly.

11/1/18 -- Update for Both Elk River Schools


Kanawha County Schools continues to work with FEMA, the SBA, and other organizations and state leaders to move forward on our new high school and elementary school in the Elkview/Clendenin area. We are finishing the appraisal process, finishing environmental studies and finalizing designs for both schools. Provided below are the latest preliminary renderings. The new elementary school is the first photo and the new high school is the second photo. These will be first-class facilities, designed around the educational needs of our students! (Design is subject to change).  


10/1/18 -- Update for Both Elk River Schools

Update on the new High School:

Design, educational specs and plans are continuing.

KCS is currently in the property acquisition stage for the new school property at Givens Fork. The land is owned by a local church that is willing to sell the land. The property is undergoing an appraisal that will determine fair market value.

In order to move forward with property acquisition, we must have the funding in place to pay once property appraisals have been completed. We are working right now with the SBA and FEMA to make sure that funding is available when needed.

Once the property is purchased, we can begin the timbering process and begin moving land. That is estimated to occur in December.

The high school is still scheduled to be complete in 2021. The timelines can be moved forward or back depending on paperwork approval and weather.

Update on the new Elementary School:

Design development will be complete by the end of the month. They’re continuing to work on permits.

KCS is currently in the property acquisition stage for the new school property at Wolverton Mountain. They have identified 25 parcels of land and are still working to make sure those are all. Property appraisals are being done now on all of those parcels. Letters have gone out to all property owners and we’re trying to make contact with those who we haven’t heard from.

In order to move forward with property acquisition, we must have the funding in place to pay once property appraisals have been completed. We are working right now with the SBA and FEMA to make sure that funding is available when needed.

Once the property is purchased, we can begin the timbering process and begin moving land. That is estimated to occur in December.

The elementary school is still scheduled to be complete in 2020. The timelines can be moved forward or back depending on paperwork approval and weather. 

9/17/2018 -- New High School Update for the Elk River Area

The project team for the new Elk River Area High School is currently working on the design of the school facility as well as the site and access road. Access to the new school will be via a new road connecting to Frame Road across from the DOH facility on the Given’s Fork property. The site will include the school, a geothermal well field, separate bus and drop off loops, parking areas, dry retention ponds and athletic fields including football/track, baseball, softball, soccer, and tennis. Practice fields for football and soccer will be included and various buildings for team lockers, concessions, press, toilets, storage, etc.   

The school design is based on the Program of Spaces developed over the last year with KCS and Elk River area educators. The process includes defining the educational goals, assessing the physical needs and translating these into a document indicating space needs, relationships and square footage that is used by the architects in designing the school.  

With this as a guide the architects are currently working on schematic layouts. This includes meetings with various school system departments such as food service, health services, maintenance and others to ensure that their needs are met in the new facility. Meetings with the school administration are ongoing including security, safety, school operations, etc. 

The site design is concurrently being developed and will include an access road meeting DOH standards. Turning lanes will be included. The access road will be located on the left side of Given’s Fork stream and rise in elevation to the school site approximately 200 feet higher than the entrance elevation. It is at this point that the earthwork cut and fill calculations balanced so that hauling dirt on public roads could be minimized and dollars saved. Project designers are working with various local, state, and federal agencies through permit processes.

KCS is negotiating with owners on acquisition and rights of way as the access road will serve both the school and future site developments on the residual parcel not required for the school.

The anticipated opening is in 2021. 

Additional information and updates on KCS flooded schools will be provided at the Oct. 1 board meeting and at the Oct. 8 LSIC meeting for the Herbert Hoover area. We will update this web article again at that time.

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