KCS 2024-2025 Free Meal Program

KCS 2024-2025 Free Meal Program

The Kanawha County Board of Education continues its free summer meal program through Aug. 9th and announces the continuation of free meals for all students during the 2024-2025 school year.

Summer Feeding Program

Breakfast and lunch are open to all children, ages 2 - 18, who would like to participate. Meals will be available June 10 – August 9, with sites having varying dates. Adults who would like to purchase a meal may do so on site, if ample meals are available after all students have been served. Breakfast is $3.25 and lunch is $4.35 for adults.  


Flinn Elementary

2006 McClure Parkway, Charleston


June 10 - Aug 9, 2024                                                

Breakfast: 8:30-9:00am

Lunch: 11:30-12:00pm


Kanawha Valley Enrichment Center      

261 Staunton Ave, Charleston


June 10 - Aug 9, 2024                                                

Breakfast: 8:30-9:00am

Lunch: 11:30-12:00pm


Overbrook Elementary

218 Oakwood Rd, Charleston


June 10 - Aug 9, 2024                                                

Breakfast: 8:30-9:00am

Lunch: 11:30-12:00pm 


Riverside High School               

1 Warrior Way, Belle


June 11 - June 28, 2024

July 15 – August 9, 2024

Breakfast: 8:30-9:00 am

Lunch: 11:30-12:00pm

2024-2025 School Year Free Breakfast & Lunch

Students in Kanawha County will have the opportunity to eat a no-cost breakfast and lunch at school during the 2023-2024 school year through the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) program. The CEP was enacted as a result of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act and provides universal meal service to children in high-poverty areas. This is the sixth year for the option.

The CEP serves as an alternative to collecting, approving and verifying household eligibility applications for free- and reduced-price eligible students in high-poverty Local Education Agencies (LEAs). If at least 40 percent of a school’s student population is directly certified for free meal benefits, the entire school qualifies for the option. 

I am proud that Kanawha County Schools will be participating in the CEP program to help meet a crucial need for many students in our county,” said, Dr. Thomas Williams, Superintendent of Kanawha County Schools. “We know academic achievement increases when our students are well-fed and ready to learn, and we must provide secure and reliable access to nutritious meals so all students have a chance to achieve at the highest level possible.”  

Kanawha County expects to have all 60 schools participate in the CEP. The program allows the school system to feed more than 21,000 students each day. 

The 2017 Feeding America: Map the Meal Gap data reports high levels of food insecurity and hunger across the country. In West Virginia, more than 14 percent of residents, and over 79,000 children, live in food insecure households.

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