KCS Launches New School Bus Communication App

KCS Launches New School Bus Communication App
Posted on 07/31/2024
Zonar MyView App Logo



**NEW this school year – Zonar School Bus Tracking App**

This year, Kanawha County Schools will be using the Zonar MyView app so that parents and guardians can better track their student or students’ bus! The app will allow guardians to see where their child’s bus is in real time. Our transportation office can send messages through the app to give easy updates delivered right to your phone or tablet. And, you can create custom zones to receive an alert when the bus reaches a certain spot away from your home so you know when it will arrive. 

The app is available in the Google Play or Apple App Store. Simply search Zonar MyView. Download the app now and get ready for the new school year!

To get the app set up, you will need the following:

Access code - KAN46832022

Bus number - if you or your student do not know the correct bus number, you can go to KCSBusStop.com. There, you can input your address and find out. Make sure to select your student's correct grade level. If you cannot find it, call our Transportation Office at 304-348-6616. 

WVEIS number (student “39" number) - your student likely knows their number as their number may be used for their log-ins! You can ask them for their number. It is also listed on printed grade reports from the school. If you cannot find it, call your student’s school or email [email protected]

Watch a demo video of how to get set up here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZg3Ad2CgJE.

The Zonar MyView Parent User Guide is available here if you have questions: https://support.zonarsystems.net/hc/en-us/articles/360042500512-Zonar-MyView-Parent-User-Guide

Zonar MyView Parent Flyer

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